

Directions to Warren Co. R-3 Schools

Daniel Boone Elementary…..
From Interstate 70 – take Warrenton Exit 193, and go south on Hwy 47, go to the 3rd stop light and make a left onto Booneslick/Hwy M, go 1 block and make a right onto Kuhl Avenue. At the 2nd stop sign make a left onto Vosholl, school is on your left.

Warrior Ridge Elementary……
From Interstate 70– take Warrenton Exit 193, and go south on Hwy 47, go through town and go approximately 1.5 miles past Kroger to Warrior Avenue, make a left and follow the road to the school. It will be on the left side of the street.

Rebecca Boone Elementary…..
From Interstate 70– take Warrenton Exit 193, and go south on Hwy 47, go to the 3rd stop light and make a left onto Booneslick/Hwy M, go approximately 1/2 mile to Pinckney Street, make a right , school is on the right.

Black Hawk Middle School…...
From Interstate 70– take Warrenton Exit 193, and go south on Hwy 47, go to the 3rd stop light and make a left onto Booneslick/Hwy M, go 1 block and make a right onto Kuhl Avenue. BHMS is on your left and the gyms are behind the school.

Warrenton High School…..
From Interstate 70– take Warrenton Exit 193, and go south on Hwy 47, go through town and go approximately 1.5 miles past Kroger to Warrior Avenue, make a left and follow the road to the school. You will make a left turn into the school.

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